Art Start School Partnership Program
We empower teachers and classroom leaders to become creative instigators in their classroom.
The Art Start School Program provides everything a school needs to jumpstart a comprehensive visual art program: quality art supplies, monthly lessons, learning opportunities for educators, and an annual student art show.
Art lessons teach students 21st century skills such as collaboration, communication, creativity, and persistence – all essential skills for success in school and life. Our goal is to build teachers’ confidence as art lesson facilitators, so that students feel confident exploring their own innate capacity to learn through drawing, painting, sculpting, and other visual art techniques.
“(The donated sketchbooks) were a way to stay focused on art in an easy way. Not much prep work was required. Options were endless. Scientific drawings tied curriculum to art.”
“My students LOVED having their private collection of drawings from all sorts of subjects and just for fun. Even the reluctant drawers, thoroughly enjoyed having them!”